Memoir Writing Prompt: What has made you the person you are today?

At 9:30 p.m., I found myself sitting in full daylight beside a glacier-fed babbling brook in Denali, Alaska. I had just started to feel a chill in the 40-degree temperature. The loud, fast-rushing rapids disturbed the otherwise peaceful surrounding. It’s funny that the noise reminded me of the troubles in this world that interrupt what would otherwise be peace and tranquility. But then without those troubles and hardships, would we ever realize the wonders of life itself.
Memoir Writing Prompt: What trouble have you experienced in life that has helped to make you the person you are today? Write about it.
Today’s Writing Prompt: Write about something that might or has already disrupted your otherwise peaceful day today. How can you turn that trouble into good and see the positive in it?
Enjoy writing today for your generations to come.
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