Memoir Writing Prompt: That Special Friend

I love this picture of my daughter (on the left) and her bestie (on the right) taken in Antelope Canyon at Lake Powell, Arizona. Best friends since elementary school, they spent long hours sitting up late at night talking either in person or on the phone. They commiserated with each other about their studies and life as they journeyed through medical school. Even though they now live states apart, they stay in constant touch and take one “bestie” trip a year, usually hiking some mountain. The year my daughter turned 21, she had a carcinoid tumor removed from her lungs, and her bestie came racing home to sit by her bedside, because . . . that’s what friends do.
Memoir Writing Prompt: Think back on a special friend you had in school. What made that person special? What made this friendship special?
Today’s Writing Prompt: Do you have a special friend now? What about reconnecting with an old friend? Pick up the phone and call him/her. Then write about that conversation.
Enjoy writing today for your generations to come.
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