Memoir Writing Prompt: National Fig Newton Day January 16

I love Fig Newtons, and I have a funny memory involving Fig Newtons and my mom who can always rationalize things for the good.
The grocery store is Mom’s favorite of all stores. She could spend hours reading labels and making sure she got the best deal for the money. One day, as Mom and I headed down the highway toward the grocery store, she said, “Fig Newtons would taste good, wouldn’t they?”
I agreed. “I haven’t had Fig Newtons in a long time. Remind me when we get to the store.”
After an hour shopping, with lots of groceries packed in the back of the car, and Mom and I happily headed toward home, she quietly came out with this.
“It’s a good thing we didn’t get Fig Newtons.”
“Oh, Mom,” I said, “I forgot all about them. Why didn’t you remind me?”
“Well,” she said, “I just thought they’d probably be stale if we got them.”
“Between you and me, we would eat them before that happened,” I said.
“No,” Mom insisted, “they’d be stale when we bought them.”
Now I was puzzled. “Why would they be stale?”
“People just don’t eat Fig Newtons anymore. They’ve probably been on the grocery shelves for a long time.”
“We could check the expiration date to be sure they were fresh.”
“Oh,” Mom said with confidence, “they only put that on the packaging if they have to. We’ll make ginger snaps when we get home.”
“Great idea.”
Memoir Writing Prompt: Your story may not involve Fig Newtons. However, write of a time you bought or made any kind of cookie and the story took a turn of events.
And have fun writing for your generations to come.
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