Memoir Writing Prompt: How did you Experience Warmth When You were Young

In the last couple of weeks, Texas has experienced unusual cold. Temperatures plunged below the freezing mark, all the way to 26 degrees on a couple mornings. My husband made a blazing fire in the fireplace each night that made me very happy.
However, the Texas cold was nothing like the cold winters we had in Pennsylvania when I was a child. We played in the snow and skated on frozen farm ponds, but of all my memories, being cold is not one of them. Our farmhouse had a wood and coal-burning furnace in the cellar that Daddy and my older brother kept well fed. We had floor registers allowing the heat from the furnace to warm every room in the big house. Sometimes, it was so warm in the house that I laid flat on my stomach next to an outside window with my face on the cool linoleum.
Memoir Writing Prompt: Did the cold weather affect you when you were young? How was your house heated? Did you get regular deliveries of coal and wood at your home as I did?
Today’s Memoir Writing Prompt: Being older, does the coldness affect you more? Perhaps you experienced a change in the heating methods over the years: coal, propane gas, electric? How do you keep warm today?
Have fun writing for your generations to come.
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