Memoir Prompt: Consider Positive Intentions

Only three days into 2018. How are you doing on that New Year’s Resolution list of yours? Has it been revised to a New Year’s Intention list yet? Resolution as defined by Webster Dictionary is “a firm decision to do or not to do something” as in “the committee passed two resolutions.” An intention let’s you off the hook a bit. Definition of intention is “a thing intended; an aim or plan” as in “she was full of good intentions.”
A list of resolutions that you fail to attain is not helping the year to start off in a positive light, and I, for one, want to live in a positive light this year. Why not make the change to “Intentions”? That’s not such a bad idea. Hunch your shoulders up and down a couple times and feel the release of that stress and condemnation as the burden and shame is lifted from you. Now make your list of New year’s Intentions.
Memoir-writing prompt looking back: What resolutions do you remember from past years that you did meet? Tell about how you lost that weight or how you became a better person.
Writing prompt for the present: List your New Year’s resolutions/intentions. Maybe some are intentions and others are resolutions. Put an R beside the resolutions and an I beside the intentions. Why have you decided to label them in this way?
Have fun with your writing and be sure to watch for your next prompt.
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