Memoir Writing Prompt: The Technology Learning Curve

I love this picture of my mom (92 when the picture was taken) brother, sister and her husband, and me. The technology bug has bitten us all.

When did you get your first computer/laptop/iPad? When I visited my sister in San Antonio in 1966, her husband worked at Lackland Air Force Base. He came home one day all excited about the computer that had just been installed. It took up an entire room in the basement and it needed constant air conditioning. My husband bought a computer in the early 90s. It sat in our bedroom for quite a while until he came up for a promotion at work. They were quite impressed that he owned a computer even though he did admit to not knowing how to use it. He got the promotion, and he and his boss learned together.

Today, my husband and I own 3 computers, each with a large-screen monitor, 3 laptops and 2 iPads . . . oh, and 2 cell phones. (It’s a good thing Larry has become a computer genius.) Together, we have come a long way since that first computer that gathered dust in the bedroom. Now I’m tackling social media for my writing and publishing world. Just as I master one social outlet, another new one pops up. However, either my son or daughter-in-law is only a text message away from helping me out.

Memoir Writing Prompt: Write the story of your first encounter with a computer. Did you understand how to use it quickly or did it take a while?

Today’s Writing Prompt: What new and fun thing have you learned lately in the technology world? Did you have to ask someone younger for help? What social media are you using today? LinkedIn, Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter?

Have fun writing today for your generations to come.

Categories Legacy, Legacy Writing Prompts | Tags: , , , | Posted on April 18, 2018

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