Memoir Writing Prompt: How did you view church in your younger day?
Our preacher at Hillside Fellowship in Spring Branch, Texas, is always saying how religion ruins God’s message. Religion tends to be laws or mandates that people have pulled out of scripture. And “religion” has pulled God’s people apart. It’s divisive instead of inclusive. Do you dunk or do you sprinkle for baptism? Is communion once a month or every Sunday? Which version of the Bible is the only one to use?
As a child, I attended Welsh Settlement Congregational Church outside of Wellsboro, PA. I learned I had to be really good to get into heaven. But whether the preacher used canned sermons or whether I was just too restless during church, I missed the whole salvation story somewhere. I accepted the Lord as my Savior at the age of 23 when I moved to San Antonio, Texas, and attended a “hellfire and brimstone” Baptist church. Over my lifetime, I have been a member of 5 different churches, 3 different denominations: Congregational, Baptist, Evangelical Free. And I plan to stay right where I am for the rest of my life!
Memoir Writing Prompt: Did your family (parents and siblings) attend church when you were little? How did you view church/religion in your younger days? What different churches/denominations have you attended? How have your views changed over the years?
Today’s Writing Prompt: Where do you attend church today? What do you like about your church?
Enjoy writing today for your generations to come.
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